
Day 8: A picture that makes you laugh.

Ohhh man. Every time I go to Five guy burgers I think of this moment. Now, the challenge says, "A picture that makes you laugh." So although you may not find humor in this picture, I do! :)
Back Story: We wanted some hangover food to nurse our slowly detoxifying bodies. Went to Five Guys @ Lindberg Station. Made an index card for the index card board. Card said, "Five Guys...So Sexual. Parrish & Mayberry ATL. The next time we went to Five Guys...like a week later (yeah we had an addiction problem) and some nerdy artsy kids were hating on our card. We happened to hear them and immediately started peeing our pants.
Backstory to the backstory: So Sexual was taken from Nichole Richie and Paris Hilton's show, The Simple Life. Katie and I said it constantly. 

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